Wild Oats

Resumen del Libro

Wild Oats takes an honest look at Gods redemptive character. When the fruit of past behaviors revisit a person, it is in Gods character to turn the situation around, from something negative to something positive. Likewise, when a persons conduct is pure and productive, the visitation in future years can be rewarding. Wild Oats was birthed out of the well-known life principle that we reap what we sow. The message is that it is never too late to stop destructive conduct and begin to purposefully focus on healthy behaviors. Becoming alert and adopting solutions that prevent problems can not only change individuals and families, it can also change generations. It is the authors hope to equip the reader with the skills needed to discover answers that lead to peace with God, family, loved ones, and him- or herself.

Número de páginas: 108

Autores del libro

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