Minced Fish Technology

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libro Minced Fish Technology

Minced fish is flesh separated in a comminuted form from the skin, bones, scales and fins of a wide range of fish species. The greatest tonnages are presently produced from commercial gadoid species. However, the greatest tonnage potential is seen in the by-catch and small pelagic resources of the developing world. Separation technology is highly advanced, although combined chemical and physical methods may be preferred to mechanical separators for small fish species. The problems of fat, protein, colour and microbial degradation of minces are discussed, and methods for mince stabilization reviewed. These methods have been applied to a wide range of mince products, although few are established commercially. Markets in the developed world. are dominated by block frozen materials in the West and surimi in Japan. With the exception of a few traditional products, mince technology has yet to be exploited in the developing world. However, salt drying, canning and intermediate moisture technologies can give highly acceptable products.

Número de páginas: 72

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