Practical Spanish For The Working Lawman

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libro Practical Spanish For The Working Lawman

Law Enforcement Offi cer’s evaluati on comments relati ng to Gary L. Ermoian and Practi cal Spanish for the Working Lawman: Gary is one of the bett er instructors. His material is well organized and he has an excellent presentati on… I progressed from no understanding of Spanish to being able to understand enough to answer simple questi ons. It was directed at the language a police offi cer needs. I learned a great deal…more than I thought I would about Spanish, and can now communicate eff ecti vely with Hispanics in the fi eld situati ons. I frequently encounter non-English speaking Hispanics and I will fi nd this course helpful. I have seen a general increase in Spanish-speaking people in Concord. It taught me language I can use at work… Gives a strong start…very up to date and practi cal. [Gary] has an excellent teaching mannerism… perfect for cops… I feel that I learned a lot …I’m inspired to try to learn more Spanish. …Good phrases that are appropriate in law enforcement. I now feel that I can communicate on a basic level in Spanish. It is very helpful today to speak some Spanish in law enforcement. I had two semesters of Spanish and I got more out of this than both semesters. Content and vocabulary very appropriate for a police offi cer’s needs. More and more I fi nd the need for understanding and speaking Spanish. [Practi cal Spanish for the Working Lawman] Very practi cal use of the language and should assist in doing the job bett er. My comprehension of Spanish has augmented considerably since the completi on of this course. It was designed for the specifi cs of our occupati on. This instructor was very good…he was understanding, considerate and easy to learn from. Provides a necessary background in Spanish for the use on the street. It provides assistance with a language that offi cers run into more and more…The book and tape are organized very well and fl ow together very well… I learned practi cal phrases for everyday use on…

Número de páginas: 140

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